Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Save the Dolphins

Every so often something comes along that I have to share; because it touches my heart and moves my soul. Recently I was asked to shoot photos for a local fund raising event that was raising money to support the efforts being made to end the capture and slaughter of dolphins in Taiji. Along with the fundraiser, they were also screening the movie, "The Cove".

It was in incredibly difficult movie to watch and I was crying all during the last twenty minutes; but it is a movie that I would recommend to everyone. It is something I feel needs to be seen.

For more information please check out SaveJapanDolphins.org and if you get the chance; I encourage everyone to see "The Cove"...it is incredibly tragic but very informative and educational.

Much love to all and keep living luminously...with love, happiness and compassion.

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