Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A work in progress...

Newest piece in the works

Donation Piece

Life has been busy busy busy around here, so I've been a little quiet on the internet front. But, I've got lots of new projects in the works. Three new pieces in various stages of painting and I just finished my Donation Piece, which will be given to a local charity group's silent auction to support and empower the women of the Congo.
I'm really really proud of this one. Not only, is it one of my favorite pieces to date; but I'm so happy to be giving it for such a noble cause.

Well...I'm off to bury myself in paint, glue and paper while the little one naps! Much love always and may you always "Live Luminously"


  1. What a lovely piece! I think you're smart to spend less time on the computer and more time creating.

  2. Nice post, Lauren. I enjoyed reading it, and I really like the idea of living "luminously." Loved seeing your artwork too.
