Monday, July 18, 2011

My Favorite (Etsy) Things

Today's favorite is one of my dearest and closest friends and the most fantabulous! (yes, I'm making up words today) artists I've ever known. She can do anything...but what she does these days is not only beautiful, but mind bendingly tedious and time consuming. (or, as she likes to call it...lots and lots of hours of "meditation")

I've bought several pieces from Meredith in the past as gifts, but last week decided it was time to buy myself a little something from her collection. So, I helped myself to this darling little Heart ornament I've had my eye on since she first made it.

Heart Ornament By Meredith Dada

Meredith creates beautiful three dimensional artworks out of various mediums (most often air dry clay) then paints them, and finally covers the entire thing with teeny tiny little itty bitty (get the idea) seed beads, rhinestones, charms and other decor.
Not only does her artwork end up looking exquisite when it is finished, but often times people just don't realized how many painstaking hours and how much hard work is poured into each and every piece.
But the moment you lay eyes on one, you can tell just how amazingly intricate and beautiful they are. One thing you might not realize is how durable and well made they are too.

For Christmas, I purchased this beautiful Bee Charmer Bowl for my mother.
Bee Charmer Bowl by Meredith Dada

My mom was ecstatic. She delicately placed it on a tiny display on the top of her piano, along with her favorite pictures so she could enjoy seeing it every day. Now, it just so happened, a few months later, she was having "one of those days" where she had broken a flower vase, dropped and spilled a trashbag, broke a dish etc etc etc, when she decided to dust the stuff on top of the piano. In true "clumsy day" form she bumped into the bowl's display and send it flying off the piano and bouncing along her wood and stone floors. And, wouldn't you know it...not one single bead fell off! (*Disclaimer* I am in no way advocating throwing her artwork around here people...that's just bad form) But, both my mom and I were amazed at the incredible quality and durability of something that appeared so delicate.

Meredith is a wonderful, kind, and fun artist. She puts her heart into everything she does, and it really shows. If you want something beautiful, unique, and wow inducing, definitely check out her Etsy shop HERE.
She's also a pretty fabulous person to know, so I highly recommend also checking out her blog (Lots of great updates on her works in progress and the occasional bit about cats catching fire...curious? Then go check it out) ;)


  1. Thank you so much Lauren!! You are too sweet, what a wonderful feature! :)

  2. This is a great feature :) I have my eye on a few of her items too. It may be time to treat myself to one of her pieces soon.
