Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Say What?

The hubby and I were watching Ocean's Eleven last night (the George Clooney/Brad Pitt one) and I realized why I love it so much. The dialog between Danny Ocean and Rusty Ryan. It's snappy, quick, they cover an expanse of meaning with a short sentence, and somehow, no one ever needs a lengthier explanation.
It's like Brad Pitt's character Rusty says, "Don't use seven words when four will do."

Which brings me to the point of this post. I've realized that my husband and I, after a decade together, have started talking in these clipped little sentences that sound simple and straightforward, but mean so much more. And somehow, even though most people would be left scratching their head, we implicitly know, in entirety, what every little blurb means.

Actual Conversation...

Him: What movie do you want to watch?
Me: Nothing too heavy.
(Leaves to pick a movie and comes back with three comedies)

Me: So, we're going with comedy?
Him: You said nothing heavy...(points to movies) No dead bodies.
Me: Dead Bodies aren't always heavy...what if they're skinny?
Him: Dead weight is dead weight.

Actual Meaning...

Him: What movie do you want to watch? I'm letting you pick, because I have no idea, or I don't really care that much.
Me: Nothing too heavy. I'm in a bad mood and anything sad or emotional will probably make me cry.
(Leaves to pick a movie and comes back with three comedies)

Me: So, we're going with comedy? I meant no Schindler's List; you didn't have to go straight to the Dukes of Hazzard. What about something in the middle. I can handle a little emotion.
Him: You said nothing heavy...(points to movies) No dead bodies. I wasn't sure how sad you were, so I went for uber goofy. Besides, if I brought back something less funny, it probably wouldn't be right either.
Me: Dead Bodies aren't always heavy...what if they're skinny? We do have movies that aren't emotional, but aren't giant gobs of goofiness either. But, I guess a comedy will be fine.
Him: Dead weight is dead weight. Just pick a're going to fall asleep anyways.

I like to think I'm more the Danny Ocean of our relationship, you know, the leader, charismatic and funny, but then again...I'm probably more like Rusty; covered in tattoos and always eating.

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